


5th Annual Midwest CDDC | Chicago, IL | June 12, 2020

Put this date on your calendar to be an attendee.  You know that you are going to need CLE credits, so come to one of our highly recommended conferences.  You can’t beat the benefit of our courses for the value.  Come see what all the buzz is about!

Cancellation Policy:

If you are not able to attend a conference you have registered for you will need to notify us prior to 14 days before the conference and will receive a full refund.  Cancellations received after this deadline will be considered a no show and no refund will be issued.  A substitute may be enrolled in your place any time prior to the event.

Financial Aid Policy:

One of our main goals in providing these conferences is to raise the level of knowledge about construction defects and insurance disputes.  If you are interested in increasing your understanding of these topics through one of our conferences, yet are unable to afford registration fees can apply for either a full  or partial discount.  Please send an email to Jeff Childs at and explain why you are deserving of either a full or partial discount.  All requests must be submitted 14 days prior to the event you desire to attend.